Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Today is Memorial Day and I have spent a lot of time today as I do everyday thinking about the brave men and women who have given their life to their country so that we may have Freedom.

My dad fought in WW2, luckily he came home, but my mom said that he never talked about the War. I know I have never known him to either, but then again I would have a hard time hearing the stories so close to home.

There is always a war going on somewhere and rumors of more wars to come. The big ones now are Iraq and Afganastan and so many kids, (yes, kids) have lost their lives in these 2 wars. Many people think Iraq was not a war that we should have entered, the motto to the left liberals are "It is Bush's fault". I think Bush always made his decisions after much counsel and prayer and I will always stand by him. I think he is morally sound man.

I am anxious to read Laura Bush's new book and then Ex President Bushes book when it comes out. I think when people read it, they might understand why and how he came to his decisions.

I don't think Obama has wise counsel and I also think he is a very dangerous man and does not like America. I shudder at what our country has become under his administration and I hope he leaves office soon.

Obama's lack of support for our troops is troubling and if you don't like America, one can't support the troops.

I hope people stopped to say a prayer for the fallen while they were eating their hot dogs and hamburgers.

I am disgusted by the fact that so many of the troops have no support system to come home to when they are honorly discharged.

It appears that no matter what the circumstance is, if you don't make it home or if you do, it is never enough, and your sacrifice is soon forgotten.

The USA has changed and the people living here are changing too and not for the better.


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