Well, American Idol is over of another year. This was the 9th year and actually it was the first time I missed the Final as I don't have a TV yet. I had watched "online" the performances from the night before sung by the top 2, Crystal and Lee. During the Final I was reading a live blog of the show and someone had asked if the show was being streamed somewhere online and lo and behold it was! So I clicked the link and there I was, at the final. Now of course the HD was not present, but oh well! I only missed the first 20 minutes and I can find those performances online at You Tube.
This year American Idol just didn't excite me like it should. I usually become so involved in the excitement of the contestants realizing their dreams are coming true. There are a couple reasons I was not as into it this year. One, I was very stressed and in the middle of moving during the last month of the show. I have never liked the "auditions" as I feel they exploit people who don't understand what they sign on the dotted line and they don't "get it" that AI can twist things using mentally unstable people and use it to their advantage. I find that sickening! I also feel like AI is feeding into the many crazies who DO know what they are doing and hoping for their 15 minutes of fame. I also don't think they should use so many hard luck stories, it is about talent. So, the last month, due to the unexciting talent this year, I was just not that invested in the contestants. I felt like I didn't know them. They were all so scared and the themes are repeated so much it is getting redundant. I was a Siobahn fan, the quirky Cape Codder until she started to scream at me with every song. I also agree that she didn't artistically know who she was, she has only done hard rock in clubs and theater in her schools and community. She was not a Hard Rocker type but I could see her doing Broadway, but not being a huge mainstream success.
With DWTS beating AI this year due to the good contestants on DWTS and the mediocre on AI, American Idol MUST step up their game. Fox could have a gold mine all year if AI gets revamped as they have SYTYCD in the Spring/Summer, Simon Cowell's new X-Factor in the Fall/Winter and American Idol in the Winter/Spring. All shows that people love, the audience loves to see people improve and succeed. American Idol it seems is getting too rehearsed. The judges pimp a contestant that they want to win and won't let go. Their Adam didn't win last year and their Crystal didn't win this year, as the majority of power voters are young girls and grandmothers and the young want "cute boys" and the Grannies want "clean cut and good role models". I am happy to see that Lee won this year. He appears very humble, very appreciative and I think he will improve when he gets more experience and gets over the nerves. He is a very likable guy. Crystal, on the other hand was not someone that "kids" would get. She was old school and the kids of today don't know that music. I happen to love her folk rock sound, but even I tired of it as I soon felt everything sounded the same.
I wish my hearing was better as I would love music like I use to, but it is difficult now. The car radio sounds tinny, the ear phones sound tinny and the TV Ears sound tinny so I am never hearing the right tones but in my head I try to like what I hear. When I was growing up, as a little lass, I loved all the stuff my mom and dad use to play. I remember my dad would blast the music and lay by the Hi-Fi. (yep, it was called a Hi-Fi). My dad loved Jazz and he would blast Louis Armstrong, Erroll Garner (on the piano), Ella Fitzgerald and so many others. I also remember big bands and Frank Sinatra and I love that kind of music. I love me some Frank. My mom loved show tunes but I didn't like musicals of any kind. I never understood how in the middle of nowhere people would burst into song. My toddler son Michael would go over to his Grandmom's and always want her to play "Oliver", I don't have a memory of this, she told me later in life. I was exposed to music all my life due to my parents love of music. There was not a free concert within 10 miles that they would miss.
When I got to be a teenager, again the music was so diverse and I loved it all. There was the radio station WIBG that everyone listened to. There was a record shop down at the Levittown ShopARama on the corner and every week it was so exciting to get the new paper of the top 99 songs that were topping the charts and then they would have all the 45's of the chart toppers, plus albums of course. This was before the digital age, much better music, the vinyl records sound so much better than CD's and I-tunes and this is told to me by people that CAN hear. How I loved to grab the yellow paper off the pile of Top 99 papers. When WIBG played the songs you could look at see how it placed on the chart that week and of course they announced it too. This was so much a part of my Junior High and High School years.
We were the generation of Elvis, Motown and of the British Invasion, most of all The Beatles. We were the generation when American Bandstand was at its peak and the regulars on the show were celebrities and written up in teen magazines like "Tiger Beat" and "16". My all time crush when I was a teenager was Paul Anka and I still love him today. I met him at the Steele Pier in Atlantic City and he signed my arm and my sneaker after the show. My parents took me down to AC to see him. I also went to American Bandstand once, hoping to get in and I did! It was in Philly, looked so big on TV but was real tiny. Marvin Gaye was the guest, there was one guest every day. My "regular dancer" crush was Richie Cartledge and when I saw him in person he was sooooo cute. I was so jealous of his regular dance partner Gina. HA! It is amazing how safe the city was then. In 7th grade my friends and I were going into the city alone.It was a whole other time and one I miss terribly.
Moving along into the 1970-80's, my favorite music was Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Mamas and Papas (some of these groups were earlier but timeless), John Denver, The Carpenters, Linda Ronstandt,James Taylor,Jackson Brown, Peter,Paul and Mary, Carly Simon and just about anything that came out and became popular. There were many 1-hit wonders that came and disappeared. There were fads like Chubby Checker and The Twist. Everyone learned to dance by watching American Bandstand, they were the trendsetters and they made up the dances and just started doing them and soon the world would follow. People could sing then, they didn't have the over processed music of today and the lyrics were nice and not raunchy. The music of today leaves me cold, except for Country which is still pretty much full of God and America. I never like the drinking beer songs, can't relate to them, I was never a drinker or a partier, nobody I hung with was. Just the hoodlums in leather jackets were the beer drinkers, I guess, I don't know. I don't remember ever seeing a beer bottle or hard liquor among my teenage group of friends or aquaintances EVER, up to when I graduated. I was the last generation before the drugs, sexual revolution and women's lib. I wish I could transport myself back to that time. Then came Viet Nam, drugs and chaos and lots of friends being drafted and killed. This happened about 1968-1969. My kids were born on the cusp, in 1967-1968. It was still a nice time.
Back to American Idol. What can they do to revamp it!!?? I have my ideas. I have been very impressed with Bret Michaels and I loved seeing him on the Finale with Casey James (what a cutie Casey is) and I think he would make an excellent judge. I don't watch Celebrity Apprentice as I can't stand DT but I did watch a video of his speech on the Final and I thought he was so sweet. I don't know much about his music. I don't know much about the hard rock, hair bands etc. of the 1980's. I know my son use to blast his music but I turned a deaf ear. I was already deaf so that wasn't hard. Now I realize that one of his favorite bands was Lynard Skynard and I fell in love with them with Bo Bice. They really took Bo under their wing, but I never saw a group with such tragedy.
OK, so Bret Michael's in the judges seat (it would be less stressful than touring and traveling) with his health issues. The audtions start in August and end in Sept. then they come back to Hollywood week in December, then they are not seen live with the judges until Feb-May, so it leaves enough time for him to do other things. I am not going to miss Simon. He was rude, always talked during performances and his ego overshadowed the contestants. I would like Randy replaced with Lionel Ritchie, then my 2nd choice would be Jamie Fox, but I don't think Randy's contract is up. I don't like Obama loving leftie Jamie's politics but I think he is a great mentor and he would be a great judge. I am so tired of Randy's limited vocabulary, DAWG, YO, YO, BABY, NOT DOING IT FOR ME, IT WAS JUST OKAY......blah, blah! I like Randy as a person but his judging is so repetitious. Next is Kara!! I think she is a good songwriter but she grates on my last nerve. Her hanging on Simon this year was so childish, it was like "I am going to suck up to the cool dude" and then everyone will love me. I do agree with her analysis of the singers connecting to what they are singing. That comes from her songwriting experience. You can't sing a happy song with a frown and you can't sing a sad song with a smile. Also, I agree you have to know what you sing. A 16 year old singing about a lost love, unless it is "Puppy Love" like Paul Anka doesn't make much sense. Anyway she should go, I would not miss her. I would like to see Shania Twain take her place. I like Ellen on there. I think she has a great purpose in that she is coming from the mind of the consumer, and nobody loves and knows music like Ellen. Also, everybody loves Ellen, period! She has really pushed these kids careers since day 1, by having them on her show, plus also any other AI interesting personalities. She tries to help, and I just read that she just started her new record label and her first sign is a 12 year old kid she found on You Tube. Good for her. Kara's contract I think is year to year. At least the first year was, not sure now. Ellen's is 5 years and she has in her contract that she must approve who takes Simon's place. As far as the judges go, I would like it to be Bret, Shania, Ellen, Lionel or Jamie. (actually I like only 3 judges but I want Ellen to stay soooo)
As far as the host goes I think Ryan carries the show well, and he makes it look easy so that indicates he is great at his job. He connects well to the contestants and I think the hardest part he must do is follow the EP instructions and do the eliminations in sometimes a cruel way. I like that he has a radio show that follows up on AI the next day. I like Ryan alot.
Ricky Minor, the bandleader is leaving this year too. During the Season 9 Finale they never even acknowledged him and that to me was sad. He will do well on Jay Leno. Nigel would have never slighted him, Nigel was cool and it goes to show you that when Nigel left for SYTYCD, AI lost ratings. Anyway, they now need a bandleader and I loved Harry Connick, Jr. when he was on AI, bringing his band and doing the arranging of the songs. What a great personality and so much fun. All past and present contestants have high praise for Ricky Minor and his help with arranging, in fact Adam Lambert really sang his praises last year so this is a huge void to fill and I think HCJ would be perfect. The contestants spend all day on Mondays with the band, arranging and then rearranging so since HCJ did such an outstanding job this year, I say bring him on full time next year. Again, Harry would still have time to do other things. Ellen does a show and AI, so the others can too.
About the themes, they either have to change them or PLEASE put out the bucks to clear more songs. Now that AI is going on 10 years old, the repeats are horrendous and everyone just compares, compares and compares some more to their favorites of previous years. They must CLEAR more songs and sometimes that cost money as you have to pay off the record label, the songwriter, the artist, etc. That is why all the previous Idols hits are cleared immediately as 19 owns them and it is part of their contracts. Some people aren't signed by 19 though, like Elliot Yamin, one of my all time favorite contestants and such a talent and good man, a huge heart.
I am not sure about the mentors, some are okay and some are blah. To tell you the truth, I loved it when Adam Lambert mentored, as he is a true performer, well sometimes, that one performance was disgusting. But, I like him, he is a kind man. He learned his lesson that people were turned off by his sexual innuendos. NOT NEEDED ADAM! Adam would never give up his career but he would be good. His performances during his year were top notch and really thought out. I LOVED "Mad World" and I could watch it over and over.
While we are at it, I think AI could use another Executive Producer. Ken Warwick is not getting the job done without Nigel and to sweeten the pot I think they should offer HCJ the job of co-EP and bandleader.
Lee and Crystal have already been signed by 19, and I also think they will sign Casey. I also think they will sign Aaron to their Country Label. Slim pickins' this year for signing. Season 5 was the big year for signs and Daughtry, Kellie and Bucky have done them good. Katharine MePhee and Taylor Hicks not so much and yet I just read that Taylor made $3 million dollars this year. Compare that to Carrie who made close to $20 million last year during a non-touring year so this year will be much more as she is touring non stop, had a special on TV, did a movie, a few TV shows, many covers of mags, etc. and is a spokesperson for Pedigree and a few other sponsers. She will make much more this year and she hasn't changed at all. I love the guy she is marrying, a born again Christian who walks the talk. I just wish Carrie would stop with the hair extensions and her rocker tight clothes that aren't Country. I love the real Carrie persona and not the performer Carrie persona, too trashy for me. She always claims there is 2 of her, the performer and her real life but I don't see the need for them to be so drastically different. Her sweet, kind and giving personality with good morals transcends either way so why the hair and clothes??? That is just me, put on a dress, cowboy boots and have your hair natural with the country songs and with the country pop, go more drastic but stop with the rocker image, it is not flattering. My opionion only, but actually many others too, I read everything.
I like the idea that this year they are looking at auditions at an American Idol set up on My Space, when the time comes. I hate the audition process, most don't get through the 1st round, to move on to the EP, then to the judges and they lose many good people. AI really need to have an eye out for the best talent that will become huge superstars before Simon's show gets that 1st year excitement push. Alot of Simon fans will follow him and I am looking forward to it myself, even though I am not a Simon fan. I just don't want American Idol to go away due to bad ratings. I want it to make changes and flourish and become what it once was before they started manipulating the viewers. They have to play fair and square, find good talent, change the voting, have great people surrounding the contestants who truly want the best for them and then let the public decide what they want. Let's start out with an even playing field, no pimping.
Music has to change, the hip hop, raunchy lyrics, etc. has got to change. It is not good for the kids of today and American Idol has a good platform to create a great fanbase and good morality with songwriting and lyrics. I love Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Elliot Yamin, Kellie Pickler, Kris Allen, David Cook, Bucky Covington, Josh Gracin, they are all such good role models. Chris Daughtry is good but I am not into his type of music. Danny Gokey went country and is touring with Sugarland, great move. I like Adam and Allison but not my type to listen to. I really just listen to Country and watch the Country videos. Mandisa and Melissa went contemporary Christian. Jordin Sparks is adorable, but I don't listen to their music per se. I only own albums by Carrie, Kellie and Elliot. I love Elliot's blusey voice. Elliot's performance of "A Song For You" is to die for, by Donny Hathaway.
I am sure not an authority on music and the public are the ones who vote and I am wondering if a girl can win this show again as the teenage girls are nutso with their text votes. Vote for the cute guy is their motto!! I read the AI message boards and the mentality of the voters are very young. The teenagers love to watch this show with their grandmothers and those are the voters and even though only a handful posts on AI message boards I think they are indicative of what is out there voting. Then there are the casual voters who are very fair and vote each week according to best performance. That is the way it should be done and pushes the contestants each and every week.
The whole voting system needs revamped, but as long as ATT is AI's sponser it won't be. ATT wants those text votes, it is money in their pocket. I love the voting system of DWTS. You have as many votes as there are contestants. During Top 12 week on AI that would mean that you have 12 votes from each phone # and online. If DWTS can do it so can AI. Also that would give a fair advantage when they pick the Top 24 in the beginning. These kids pick a cute boy during the auditions and then form fan clubs before the Top 24 is even picked. If their boy is eliminated, they pick another cute boy. If they want to make money this nonsense has to stop. Look at how many Idols have not made them a boatload of stash. The top 3 would be Kelly, Carrie and Daughtry.
I am somewhat embarrassed that I have put this much thought into American Idol. I really don't think about it that much, I am just thinking out loud right now as I write it all down.
Now on with Season 10, I am anxious to hear the changes and see what happens after the lackluster Season 9.
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